January 14, 2024 Cancellation
Dear Memorial,
Because of the extreme weather, Rev. Brian Sharpe will not be joining us from Edmonton for Jan.14 Sunday Service. We are expecting that a lot of you folks will be staying home this Sunday to keep warm and safe.
For those who are going to brave the elements, we will have an intimate Scripture and Prayer Fellowship lead by Jill Draper and Catherine Janke which will not be live streamed.
For those staying home, we encourage you to still worship by following a service online or using the liturgy and videos provided by the Regional Ministry.
Attached is the liturgy for this Sunday, and here are links to the videos...
Welcome: https://youtu.be/-TiHlW24bZ4?si=lpyWVxUUhrd5hHHp
Teaching Moment: https://youtu.be/b_BfGyGstBg?si=QQ4OUH_cvdxF_-Da
Sermon: https://youtu.be/DZgO2EfQK60?si=NVqC8OWDUQjQmG_z
Benediction: https://youtu.be/4goao2JfThw?si=cwCjxNZM_IrEbOpm
Full Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7Dumii5hMzbbZJTVyTFXaNcSU5To1Jba&si=qs7a1wfQjHD0iAl9
If you know of someone who doesn't get this Memorial email, please phone them and let them know of this update.
Let's keep each other in our prayers, warm and safe in His loving arms!
Dolcé Moir